SPEAKER: Judge Kimberly Sullivan, and Court Investigator Debbie Diaz, from the Probate Court of Galveston County TOPIC: "Guardianships for those with an Intellectual Disability". What is the legal process and who pays for the attorney? Learn about how a guardianship can protect an individual. http://www.galvestoncountytx.gov/ja/pb/Pages/default.aspx DATE: Thursday, April 17, 2014 TIME: 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: ARTHUR HEWITT FIRE STATION #1, 601 2nd STREET, LEAGUE CITY,TEXAS E-mail updates is sent out that is full of useful information. Please call Renee' at <tel:281-332-9270> 281-332-9270 e-mail <mailto:bennett4@prodigy.net> bennett4@prodigy.net or Spanish speaking: Jose' or Ana Kalil at <tel:281-338-2576> 281-338-2576 to be a part of a growing team of parents. Resource table and snacks will be provided.