SPEAKERS: Ms. Pamela Washington & Ms. Melisa McNeil TOPIC: GULF COAST CENTER INTAKE & NEW SERVICES Melisa McNeil has been with The Gulf Coast Center since 1997 all 16 years within IDD/DD Services. Melisa's current position is the Diversion Coordinator and among other things it is to ensure that friends and families are educated about services in the community. If you have NOT heard of The Gulf Coast Center or you have but you have NOT signed your love one up for services, please come and find out what are these services and what is this "list" everyone talks about. Is your child on the "List"? Melisa McNeil, Diversion Coordinator of The Gulf Coast Center 4650 Dixie Farm Rd. Pearland, TX 77581 melisam@gulfcoastcenter.org 281-585-7446 Pamela Washington, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) at The Gulf Coast Center. She is the director of Crisis Respite and Stabilization for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities for Galveston and Brazoria Counties. The purpose of this program is intended to prevent, as much as possible, admission into state hospitals, emergency departments, other behavioral health inpatient facilities, and/or jail for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a behavioral crisis. She will provide information on admission criteria as well as how to access these services through The Gulf Coast Center. Pamela J. Washington, M.A., BCBA Board Certified Behavior Analyst Program Director of IDD Crisis Respite and Stabilization The Gulf Coast Center 7000 Avenue B, Santa Fe, TX 77510 Office: 409.944.4460, Cell: 832.712.2756, Fax: 409.927.4308, PamelaW@gulfcoastcenter.org DATE: Thursday, January 30, 2014 TIME: 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: ARTHUR HEWITT FIRE STATION #1, 601 2nd STREET, LEAGUE CITY, TEXAS E-mail updates is sent out that is full of useful information. Please call Renee' at <tel:281-332-9270> 281-332-9270 e-mail <mailto:bennett4@prodigy.net> bennett4@prodigy.net or Spanish speaking: Jose' or Ana Kalil at <tel:281-338-2576> 281-338-2576 to be a part of a growing team of parents. Resource table and snacks will be provided.