Registration is Closed
Ready, Set, Go !!
Calling out all race car drivers ages 5-22 to come race with Ghfeds at Bay Area Raceway in Dickinson. Siblings are welcomed to attend and will be charged $5 per sibling.
This event includes unlimited go-cart rides and tokens for games for all children, and pizza/drinks for children and parents.
**Children must be at least 55" tall to drive alone and 36" tall to ride as a passenger. Must be at least 16 years old to drive a 2 seater or superkart.
**Children with Down syndrome must be accompanied on the go-cart.
Please register by July 20th !!
Youth & Teen Social Bay Area Raceway 3825 Gulf Frwy Dickinson 77539 Wednesday July 22nd from 6-8pm
GHFEDS waiver of liability.pdf